Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration Project
The Lookout Slough Project will provide the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) with high-quality Delta smelt habitat to help the state meet the requirements of an Endangered Species Act biological opinion. EIP is providing DWR with a large-scale, full-delivery restoration solution through our innovative Pay for Performance model.
Under this model, DWR has contracted with EIP to deliver specific milestones for a fixed price. EIP’s responsibilities under our contract with DWR include land identification, land acquisition, restoration design, permitting, construction, posting financial assurances, and monitoring through final approval of as-built results.
LOCATION: Solano County, CA
Elevation: Approximately 5ft Above Sea Level
Acreage: 3,600
Resource: Tidal Channels & Floodplain, Sensitive Species Habitat,Flood Protections
Project Goals
Create and maintain diverse intertidal and subtidal habitat to support native species and improved food productivity within the project area.
Design and implement the project to support viable populations of special status aquatic and terrestrial species.
Offset impacts to listed species, including Delta smelt, that result from the operation of the State Water Project (SWP) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Protect other key sensitive species – Giant Garter snake, Western Pond Turtle, Swainson’s Hawk, White Tailed Kite, Tricolored Blackbird, Western Burrowing Owl, Nesting Birds, Roosting Bats.
Provide additional flood storage and conveyance within the Yolo Bypass to reduce the chance of catastrophic flooding and protect existing nearby infrastructure (e.g. agriculture, power and human habitation).